
Aviva Senior Living


March 28, 2017

April 13, 2023

Hurricane Update

Hurricane Irma Emergency Preparedness Update from Jay Solomon, CEOFriends, as all eyes turn to South Florida I want to update you on preparedness plans here at Aviva – A Campus for Senior Life. While the precise path of this storm cannot be predicted, we are taking every precaution.Please be assured that the safety and comfort of your parents and loved ones is my highest priority. We have opened an emergency phone hotline and will regularly update it. That number is941-256-7330.A few facts about our plans and procedures:

  • Aviva’s campus is not in an evacuation zone, so unless specifically ordered by state and county officials, we will shelter in place.
  • The campus is served by two large-capacity generators. Should we lose power, this equipment will provide up to 80% of our electricity needs.
  • In the event that phone lines go down, we will operate by cell phone and walkie-talkie, updating Facebook and the website when possible.
  • We are fully stocked with food, water and medical supplies. We can pump and deliver clean, safe water from on-campus sources if municipal sources are compromised.
  • Staff members are scheduled to shelter in place (sleep on campus) as necessary to ensure full staffing levels during and after the storm.
  • Our emergency response plan has been fully activated. It is regularly drilled and addresses every aspect of response.
  • We are in close contact with the area’s first responders. Our needs are prioritized like those of other healthcare facilities.

Meanwhile, all activities and services continue uninterrupted at Kobernick, Anchin and Benderson.Thank you for entrusting your loved ones to our care. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can answer any other questions.Jay Solomon, CEO

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© currentYear Aviva Senior Living.- All Rights Reserved | Assisted Living Facility License# 8951. Medicare/Medicaid Certified Skilled Nursing Facility License # 130471046. The services and facilities of Sarasota-Manatee Aviva Jewish Housing Foundation, Inc. Are operated on a non-discriminatory basis, which applies to admissions, services, and employment. Sponsored by the Sarasota-Manatee Aviva Jewish Housing Foundation, Inc.